"...9. A presona meya ye plenament inocenta d’o pensar fundament. Ella accepta ras ideyas d’otris, y ras secundia, en traza muito parella a com’un loro; isto se puet veyer facilment quan replecamos o metodo feito servir ta farchar o pareixer común, y ista actitut dócil per parti d’a gran mayoralla que sembla perfectament presta ta deixar qu’unas pocas presonas piensen per ells, ye lo que premite ta uns poquetz en a mayoría d’os países usurpar o poder y mantener a millons chusmesos. O pensamiento creyativo enanta d’o nuestro ficacio..."
...9. The average person is entirely innocent of any deep thinking. He accepts the ideas of others, and repeats them, in very much the same way as a parrot; this is readily seen when we understand the method which is used to form public opinion, and this docile attitude on the part of a large majority who seem perfectly willing to let a few persons do all their thinking for them is what enables a few men in a great many countries to usurp all the avenues of power and hold the millions in subjugation. Creative thinking requires attention ...
Capítol 23
A Clau Mayestra //